
Interesting Custom of New Zealand

In New Zealand, washing dish form is different from Japan. When they washing dishes, they saving hot water and use detergent and wash dishes. Then, New Zealander don't pour off the detergent. They only wipe a dish with towel. In other hand, Japanese always pour off the detergent.

In New Zealand, they have sometimes hold barbecue! They hold barbecue in their garden and they invite their friend or neighborhood.If they say "bring your plate", that means "Please bring some food".In Japan, we hold barbecue sometime too.

In New Zealand, people don't take a bath so much! That's means, people often only take a shower!In Japan, a lot of people take a bath every time.

In Japan, there are a lot of vending machine in the town and shops. In vending machine, people can buy drinks, snacks, ices,cigarettes and so on. But in New Zealand, there are few vending machine and generally, the vending machine don't have sample of goods.

3 件のコメント:

Tomo Cruise さんのコメント...

New Zealander is good for the earth! I think Japanese should save more water.

kazuzun さんのコメント...

I was surprised! I think it is dirty....., but, I agree Tomo Cruise.

★Putti★ さんのコメント...

I didn't know how to wash dishes in New Zealand. It's interesting!